Getting started

To get started with using the ftrack connect RV plugin, follow this guide and you will be up and running quickly.

Installing the RV package

First, you will need to install the integration package in RV:

  1. Download the standalone package for RV from the ftrack Integrations page.

  2. Launch RV and install the rvpkg package from RV’s preferences.


You can launch RV with the integration either as an action using ftrack Connect or via the rvlink protocol from the web interface.

Using ftrack Connect

ftrack connect RV comes bundled with ftrack Connect package and allows you to start launch RV with the ftrack review panels without any additional configuration.


If you are running Linux, you will need to set the environment variable RV_INSTALLATION_PATH to the root folder of the RV installation for ftrack Connect to find the installation.

From the web interface

Running ftrack Connect RV via the rvlink protocol requires a bit more setup, but does not require you to be running Connect in order to use ftrack review in RV. To do so, follow the instructions below.

  1. Setup the RV protocol handler for your browser.

  2. The RV integration currently requires that the ftrack legacy Python API is available and configured with valid credentials. To do so, you can either configure credentials via environment variables and set PYTHONPATH (globally) to point to the legacy API or extract the legacy Python API archive within the installed RV package’s Python directory and edit the file, adding API credentials.

    See also

    Getting started with the legacy Python API